University of Arizona Physiology Club
The Physiology Club is for all who are interested in the study of the human body and its function, not just those in the Physiology major. The club is geared towards students who are pre-health majors looking to go into medicine, pharmacy, dental, optometry, physical therapy, nursing, and other fields! We bring in speakers at every meeting that can range from doctors, medical students, master's students, faculty here on campus, nurses, and even trauma surgeons from the BUMCT Trauma Center! In addition, we host philanthropy events, social events, fundraising, clinical events, and physiology events for our students.
When and where!
When we meet: Every OTHER Monday
Where: Education Building, Room 211
Time: 6-7 pm
Next meeting: Refer to the calendar on the meeting/event page!
No meeting is complete without some FREE PIZZA! It's just one more thing to look forward to every other Monday!